
Bolrock I. Obsidian Unleashed
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Author:  Beefhammer [ Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Bolrock I. Obsidian Unleashed

Vital Stats
Character Name: ??? (Formerly Bolrock I. Obsidian)
Race: Oni of the Four Winds

Gender: Male
Profession: N/A
Occupation: N/A

Attributes & Stats

Character Race: Demon
Character Class: Monk
Level: 1 (would likely level with Bolrock I. Obsidian)
Hit Points: 85
Magic Points: 20
Stamina: 60
Initiative: 8
Experience: 0

- N/A

Patron Points: 0

Spells/Bonus/Notes: This character can only exist when Bolrock is critically wounded, or enraged to a point of no return. Killing this character will cause the death of Bolrock I. Obsidian.

Character Information

An older demon, reincarnated again into a lesser demon's body. Much of his power lost during his crawl from the Well of Midnight.

His return was foretold in an old book, Commentaries on the Writ of the Damned.

"When the Red Titan falls or his gentleness broken, the winds shall rise to his defense."

Image Reference

Coming soon.

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